Thysanoptera of Japan


Dendrothripoides innoxius (Karny, 1914)


本種はサツマイモ等のIpomoeaを寄主植物とし、属世界の熱帯~亜熱帯、特に東洋区に広く分布する。日本ではこれまで南西諸島、九州(鹿児島)から知られていたが、最近三浦半島のノアサガオから採集された。ノアサガオではがく片の下に潜んでいる。 本属は世界から6種が知られ、多くは東南アジアに分布するが南アフリカとマダガスカルから各1種が知られる。腹部背板の側部にV字型の刻線から生じる太い微刺が密生すること、頭部が複眼直後で横に張り出し、その後方で狭まることで他属から容易に識別できる。

This species feeds on Ipomoea and is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world, especially the Oriental region. In Japan, it has been hitherto known from Nansei islands and Kyushu (Kagashima) but recently it was collected from Ipomoea indica at Miura peninsula of Kanto-region. In Ipomoea indica, this species is inhabiting beneath of the sepal. Dendrothripoides includes 6 species: four from Southeast Asia, one from Madagascar and one from South Africa. This genus can be easily distinguished from other thripid genera by having abdominal tergites laterally with stout microtrichia arising from V-shaped sculpture lines and head with expansion just behind compound eyes and strong constriction behind transverse ridge between both expansions.

  • Female



    Female head and thorax

    Female head and thorax

    Female head and thorax

    Habitat:Ipomoea indica ノアサガオ

    Habitat:Ipomoea indica ノアサガオ